Sat 04 Jan
❤💊 ⭕ne DO$E & ¥ou W!ll βe @DD!¢TED💊✨Reward Yourself✨🌹🌹 SNEAKAWAY & Come PLAY🌹📢 outCall Special - 22
ADULT.......... EnTeRTAiNmENT.. HERE.....NoW... $pEcIALZ.. - 25
(Lubbock, lubbock...Odessa .. Abilene BIGSPRING)
💎 💕Young $exy Latin $ugarBaby, Let's Make This A Regular Thing💎 💕(Talking Stick Resort) - 22
💋Generous Gentlemen Wanted👄Your total satisfaction is my pleasure! 👄I will do what she will not💋 - 40
(Lubbock, Lubbock Texas)
XxX_ °U N F o R G E T a B L e_°_ XxX_°SO SEDUCTIVE GorGeous (((LaTiNa))) //AVAIL NOW - 18
°U° __ °N° __ °B° __ °E° __ °L° __°I° __ °V° __ °E° __ °B°__ °L°__ °E° - 20
Perfect 🔟 I am👇 Better Than ➹Her➹ 👉💖👈 ➷Her➷ And ➹Her➹ 👆 Don't Believe Me❓ Come N See💖 ‼️ - - 27
(Lubbock, lubbock and all surrounding areas)
^.^ ₩hy ₩ait?? ♡♥ dON't cHEat ¥♥uRself ! .tr£at ¥♡Urself ! $€xy silky eBoNy ♥!th£ #1 choice - 21
🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 Grand Opening Moon Massage Spa🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 30
(2812 34th ST,Lubbock TX 79410, Lubbock)
❤💊 ⭕ne DO$E & ¥ou W!ll βe @DD!¢TED💊✨Reward Yourself✨🌹🌹 SNEAKAWAY & Come PLAY🌹📢 outCall Special - 22
Lbk 💦 806-584-9880 YoUnG & rEaDy 💋👅tO pLeAsE 🔥 LeTs GeT nAuGh.ty✨ - 19
(Lubbock, Lubbock Outcalls ONLY All Night)
lBLONDE T-Girl Odyssey ready to from Top 2 Bottom the screams of curious passion IT DOWN & READY - 30
***** HOTtEst GIRL YOu HaVE EvEr SeEN!! ExotiC . BeAuTY 100% aBSOlUTly ReAL***Dont MiSs OuT - 25
.•*¨¨*•Sizzling Hot & Super Sexy Puerto Rican Mixed Playmate.•*¨¨*• - 23
(Lubbock, Your Place Or Mine)
(__*_____ Sexy ______*__) ----- (_*_____ SEXY _____*_) ----- (__*_____ Sexy _____*__) - 24
SO DeLiCiOuS & FReaKy!! CuTe WhiTe GiRL... I LOVE PLeASiNg MeN!! VeRY, VeRY OpeN-MiNDeD! - 22
(Lubbock, Tx)
SeXxY EXxOtiC BaBe ❤ I CaN Be YoUr #1 ❤ SwEeT N ClAsSy ❤ SpEciALs! OutCall n InCall - - 23
(( SiMPLy AMAZiNG ★)) __*1OO% REAL*__ (( ★HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) ((SPECiALS)) - 21
(Lubbock, lubbock in/out SpEcIaLs)
60 SPECIALS Super STACKED . BooTy ~`~`` SUPER THICK (( AvAiLaBlE NOW)). . . . () SPECIALS - 22
❤Amazing ▐💗💖⎝ ✨💗 ✨ ⎠ ❤GRAND OPENING ▐ Asian ▐ ❤ 626-493-8604 ⎝ ✨💗 ✨ ⎠♡💖♡💚♡💜♡💖♡💚♡💜Welcome - 26
(2304 Ave Q Lubbock TX 79411, Lubbock)
^💜💜💜💜💜💜▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬💖💖💖▬▬▬▬▬ NEW STAFF - UNFORGETTABLE ☆ ULTIMATE ▬▬▬▬▬💖💖💖▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬💜💜💜💜💜💜 - 24
(Lubbock, ▬ 1001 E Slaton Hwy / 806-473-9515 ▬)
ATT: NEW & 4 A LIMITED TIMe ! . . . . . . 2 Is Better Then 1 Dont Miss Out On Specials ALL NIGHT!! - 19
Need your lady in the streets and freak in the sheets? - 23
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, Outcall)
✯●.★CaLL📞 ME!! ...great RuBs w/AMAZiNG view! (MutuaL 👐 tOuch) 💋(7132015711)★.*●✯ - 25
(Lubbock, Lubbock levelland, Sundown, Brownfield)
Penthouse, Hustler, Playboy. STARS MADE HERE. No Escorting - 23
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, USA)