Mon 27 Jan
💚—💛✨GRAND OPENING ✨ ❤️SWEET❤️—❤️—💚—💛CALL: ☎806-620-3619☎💛—💜✨NEW GIRLS✨❤️—💚—💛 —❤️—💚—❤️—💚—❤️ - 28
(4808 Ave Q,Lubbock TX 79412, Lubbock)
★★dont Cheat Yourself Treat Yourself baby!★★Sexy Ebony Barbie is In your Town♡♡ - 21
(Lubbock, in your lap)
Come have some fun with a hotty with a great body - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, In your arms ;))
🍌60 specials !!❤💢!!💯THE one you have been looking for YUM!! - 25
(Lubbock, lubbock and surrounding areas)
👑👑👑 🌺🌺🌺 👑👑👑 🍎🍎🍎 🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺GRAND OPENING ASIAN MASSAGE💋💋💋 🍎🍎🍎 👑👑👑 🌺🌺🌺 👑 - 28
(2151 50th ST,Lubbock TX 79412, Lubbock)
💋$60 Specials💋🍒Come Have A GROWN-UP👠💄 "PLAY DATE"💦👅 With A BEAUTIFUL💄💎QUEEN👑 👯👙OUTCALL👙 - 22
Can YOu SNeAK AwAy?? ★ 12O FULL HR. ❤ T0DAY 0NLY ❤ I WaNNa PLaY! - 23
🚺🚺Body Massage ➕ more❕Visiting Lubbock ❗️ Upscale 💼Gentlemen👔! My hands👏 are Miraclious💋💋 - 25
(Lubbock, Lubbock and Surrounding Areas)
★~* *♥*~ P U T * ME * O N ~*♥*~ Y O U * R ~*♥*~ T O * D O * L I S T ~*♥*~ - ★ - 50
(Lubbock, private)
FORT BLISS SPECIAL...25% off all meetings..Blonde 44DD 26 38 Cougar ALL AMERICAN BLONDE - 48
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, North Mesa Area UTEP/Texas New Mex Tour)
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(In Your City) - Never Spank the Monkey Again - 24
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, OutCall)
Sun 12 Jan
Beautiful Woman Now Serving Lubbock! IN-CALL 1 HR/250, 2 HRS./300, OUT-CALL 1 Hr/300, 2 Hrs/ 500 - 44
💦⛲💦⛲ ► STeaMy_NeW_HottiE _M3__ NaUtHy 💎 BaD 💉💊💌Amber Rose►📞 💋 - 27 - 27
(Lubbock, My PlaCe oR YouRs)
Party Girl Here★LeT ME BE YouR ★ SExY SeCrET !!!! ¯`'•.¸ Back In Town 4u -:¦:- 9in TS April Monroe - 24
💎 💕Young $exy Latin $ugarBaby, Let's Make This A Regular Thing💎 💕(Talking Stick Resort) - 22
◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤Y ♥ O ♥ U ♥ R◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤F ♥ R ♥ E ♥ A ♥ K ♥ Y◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤O ♥ B ♥ S ♥ E ♥ S ♥ S ♥ I ♥ O ♥ N - 21 - 21
VISITING▆██▆██▆ GORGEOUS HOT SEXY ▆██▆██▆ Real Stunning Latina Ts ▆██▆██▆ - 27
(Lubbock, Medical Center)
❀ ☆Trinity☆╯ 【LeT's MAkE╰╮ Your ✿★✿ 【DREaMs】╰╮❤╭╯ 【BEcOmE OUR【 REALITY】♡☆ call ☆ now☆♡ - 24
(Brown field post slaton levelland plainv, Lubbock)
VISITING▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💗 1OO% Rεaℓ 💄 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐CALIFORNIA ßεαuty 🍭 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💎 #1 Pℓαγmαtε 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ - - 22
(Abilene, san Angelo)
Pretty, Sexy, Everything You Want.. Real Beauty!
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
NEW & The Best U Ever Had !**! Exotic Brelinn & Supper Sexy Aynaii !**! Here 4 a limited Time - 19
(Amarillo In&Outs;)
ツ╰☆╮ EVeRy bOyS DREAM ♡♥EVeRy mAnS FANTASY ♡♥☎ReWaRD urself & SEE ME ☎╰☆╮ ♚ NoW SpEcIaLs! - - 23
(Lubbock, lubbock tx)